Marin / Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District
595 Helman Lane
Cotati, CA 94931
Phone: 707-285-2200
Fax: 707-285-2210
Board Meetings
6:00 p.m.
2nd Wednesday Monthly
Currently held in-person with remote participation
During non-emergency times, meetings are held at:
District Office, Board Room
595 Helman Lane
Cotati, CA 94931
**Note, time and location are subject to change. Check the agency website to confirm.
- Peter Bonkrude, District Manager
Phone: 707-285-2204
Email: Peter Bonkrude - Erik Hawk, Assistant Manager
Phone: 707-285-2209
Email: Erik Hawk - Liz Garcia, Administrative Services Manager
Phone: 707-285-2206
Email: Liz Garcia - Dawn Williams, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 707-285-2200 ex. 2230
Email: Dawn Williams
The District is governed by a 24-member Board of Trustees. Each member represents his/her city of residence or a county at large. Trustees are appointed to a two-year or four-year term.
The Marin/Sonoma Mosiquito Abatement District protects the health and welfare of the community from mosquitoes and vector-borne disease. In addition, the District also offers free delivery of mosquito fish for permanent ponds or water features, treatment of in-ground yellow jacket nests, and rodent advice inspections.
The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District protects the health and welfare of the community from mosquitoes and vector-borne disease. In addition, the District also offers free delivery of mosquitofish for permanent ponds or water features, treatment of in-ground yellow jacket nests, and rodent exclusion consultations.