MARINet Libraries of Marin
1600 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 180
San Rafael, CA 94903
Board Meetings
- 11:00 A.M.
- 1st Thursday Monthly
- Location is included on the board
agenda which is posted 72 hours in advance
The MARINet is a consortium of seven public libraries and two academic libraries in Marin County, all of whom share a single library catalog and automation system.
MARINet was established by a Joint Powers Agreement in June of 1991. It is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the nine-member libraries. Those member libraries include: Belvedere-Tiburon Library, Larkspur Public Library, Marin County Free Library, Mill Valley Public Library, San Anselmo Public Library, San Rafael Public Library, and Sausalito Public Library. College of Marin and the Dominican University libraries constitute the two academic libraries in the agency. These membership agencies pay a small fee to enjoy the services MARINet provides. Member Library Hours
MARINet JPA Agreement