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Mission, Vision and Goals

Mission Statement 

The Marin Local Agency Formation Commission promotes and coordinates the efficient delivery of local government services and encourages the preservation of open space and agricultural lands.

Vision Statement

Marin LAFCo will provide oversight of local government agencies and their municipal service areas consistent with the provisions of the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 and in a manner responsive to community needs and in partnership with affected jurisdictions. The Commission will achieve this vision by emphasizing the following core values:

a) Independent
The Commission will exercise independent judgment in fulfilling its regulatory and planning responsibilities consistent with the agency’s adopted policies and state law.

b) Principled
The Commission will maintain a high standard of quality, integrity, and consistency while facilitating accountable and efficient municipal growth.

c) Reasonable 
The Commission will be objective in its decision-making and will consider thereasonableness of all potential actionsbefore the agency.

d) Value-Added
The Commission will add value for the public by collaborating with agencies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services.

2018 - 2020 Goals and Objectives

The following goals and objectives for fiscal years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 support the agency’s vision statement:

  1. Comply with the requirements of the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 and applicable state law;
  2. Stabilize agency administration, staff, and office;
  3. Update policies to reflect current practices and to comply with state laws;
  4. Stay on track with revised workplan and study schedule within the approved budget;
  5. Establish positive working relationships with local agencies;
  6. Improve work quality through collaboration with other LAFCo’s and CALAFCO;
  7. Prioritize public communication and transparency in promoting Marin LAFCo’s mandates and functions.


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